EnginSoft - CAE Conference Abstracts

EnginSoft International Conference 2011
CAE Technologies for Industry

VMTK - Fluent – RBF Morph: a New Workflow for Hemodynamics Applications

Ponzini R. - CILEA (Ital)
Biancolini M.E. - Orobix (Italy)
Antiga L. - Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” (Italy)


So-called patient specific CFD models are build tanks to in vivo imaging techniques that allow to obtain accurate 3D virtual models of the anatomy under consideration. In most advanced CFD hemodynamics models the anatomical model is fulfilled with Dirichlet-like boundary conditions (BC) at the inlet/outlet as flow-rate waveforms using a-priori imposed flow-split distribution or using more sophisticated dynamic coupled models (0-D networks) of the downstream circulation. Nevertheless in all cases simplified spatial velocity profiles are assumed at the boundaries regardless to the effect of eventual secondary motion on the overall computed flow field. This choice is taken due to intrinsic lack of knowledge on the effective velocity distribution at the section of interest.
Today phase contrast MRI (PCMRI) allows to measure point wise the 3D velocity vector field (including therefore eventual secondary swirling components) and these data are suitable to be imposed as realistic patient specific boundary conditions. In this work we evaluate the effect of imposing flow rate BC or measured point-wise velocity BC on a patient specific aortic arch model aiming at analyze if and eventually how simplified BC setups can affect the evaluation of meaningful wall-related indicators.

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