The event organizers welcome contributions which describe applications of CAE Technologies in such areas as: mechanics, industrial applications, structural engineering, optimization, manufacturing process simulation, computational fluid-dynamics, emerging technologies, durability and fatigue, rapid and impact dynamics, CAD/CAE integration, …
Papers can be submitted by email: eventi@enginsoft.it
Deadline for abstract submission: | 30th June 2012 |
Deadline for final paper submission: | 5th October 2012 |
For any further information, please contact the organizing secretariat.
Conference submission guidelines
How to provide the abstract and the final paper.
- Please submit your abstract, which should be no more than 400 words in length, until 30th June 2012.
- Your abstract will be published in the "Abstract booklet" that will be handed to all participants at the Conference Registration Desk.
- As a second step, please submit your final paper, which should be no more than 4 pages in length, until 5th October 2012.
- Your final paper will be included in the Conference Proceedings Collection that we will mail to all participants after the event.
Through the article submission, both using the on-line system and other means, the authors explicitly allow EnginSoft to publish their work for an undetermined period of time on web sites and to disseminate it through media of any kind, with the only limit that medium and context do not negatively affect the authors' image and professionalism. |
Download the template for the final paper
Download the template for the Power Point presentation