EnginSoft - Conference Abstracts

EnginSoft Users' Meeting 2007
Le Tecnologie CAE nell'Industria

Low size HVAC fan blower design with CFD approach

Mattiello Fabrizio - Centro Ricerche Fiat
Bucchieri Lorenzo - EnginSoft
Fontana Aldo - EnginSoft


The project described aims to improve the performances of the air conditioning system of a brand new car produced by Fiat, focusing on the blower fan responsible of blowing the air from the environment trough the HVAC circuit inside the cockpit.

The main target is to develop a new fan (fan wheel and volute) increasing the Head by 13% and reducing the volume occupation by 40% with respect to the original design.

A parametric CFD test rig has been developed in order to simulate the behavior of the fan in working conditions similar to the actual one; an automated batch procedure has been implemented to quickly generate a certain specified configuration, once a group of functional parameters has been defined.

Several test configurations have been analyzed in order to improve the head being careful that each geometrical constrain was not violated.

The geometries and meshes have been created with ANSYS ICEMCFD, ANSYS turbogrid and ANSYS Bladegen while the analyses have been performed with ANSYS CFX.

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