EnginSoft - Conference Abstracts

EnginSoft International Conference 2009
CAE Technologies for Industry

Structural analysis of a part of a motor yatch with detailed analysis of complex particulars

Alestra A. - Proship
Molino G. - Proship


  1. Problem analysis:
    Brief introduction to the procedure imposed by the naval registers for the set up of the direct calculation;
  2. FEM analysis of the ship model:
    Model analysis: problems related to the geometry and its complexity, the multibody parts and the contact elements
    Mesh analysis: mesh parameters definition
    Results analysis: static linear simulation, comparison with the imposed threshold stresses, introduction to the sub-model.
  3. Sub-model analysis: non linear analysis, large displacements
    Sub-model creation
    Non linear analysis set up, node displacements interpolation
    Mesh parameters definition
    Results analysis: solution convergence
  4. Final considerations and future prospects

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