EnginSoft - Conference Abstracts

EnginSoft International Conference 2010
CAE Technologies for Industry

Virtual Corporate Strategy: the winning strategy

Barreca Fabio - Barresa, Barreca Solutions (Italy)


From the visionary and innovative idea of bringing technical optimization elements to Business, a project was started with the objective to realize a complete virtual company tool to explore, filter and rank the set of optimal solutions of a business administration multi-objective problem, to perform sensitivity analyses, and robustness verifications with the aim to find the dominant dynamics and the winning strategy.
Starting from project evaluation and accounting principles, the analysis evolved in a challenging and comprehensive input for the modeFRONTIER software. Along the way, combining test experiments with managerial theory, it was possible to establish a set of criteria for each of the Virtual Company’s operation areas by including elements to simulate real case constraints to individuate in a very concrete way the effects on decision making.
This new method applied to modeFRONTIER, allowed to realize a complete analysis of the corporate business field and to explore the immense number of possibilities to support a managerial decision. This value added becomes evident since, as previously stated, the result combination of decisions can be identified on the Pareto frontier with the optimal possibilities and its correspondent tradeoffs according to constraints, company’s priorities or objectives.
It was successfully delivered a very solid, but flexible model that was continuously improved reaching the possibility to manage even surprise factors (unexpected events).
The achievement of the best strategy was not the main result: The first goal obtained was to understand that to find the best we must be available to challenge ourselves.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them – Albert Einstein

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